Sunday, January 8, 2012

transformation of Usuk into Fukus

A great article on legal issues surrounding Hormuz straits threats is to be found here, it is written by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey.

My commentary It seems that the evil creation popularly known as Usuk (USUK or US + UK) has mutated into even a more hideous monstrosity called Fukus (France + UK + US) after the French were duped into electing (well, not really he was never elected, that was a scam) a treasonous Zionist lowlife that crawled into the Palais de l'Élysée. I understand that the French are good, ethnicity-blind,  all-assimilating, tolerant and unprejudiced (say compared to most tribes which became "states" and "nations" after 1918 never mind 1991) true Europeans and fantastic people (they are) and I understand that were vulnerable in that respect and the Evil Ones took advantage of that weakness.  As one brilliant person wrote (referring to this situation):  Charles de Gaulle must be turning in his grave at 10 000 rpm. I do however believe that Fukus would disappear because the French would make up and cleanse the Élysée palace off this treasonous vermin.

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