Sunday, January 8, 2012

transformation of Usuk into Fukus

A great article on legal issues surrounding Hormuz straits threats is to be found here, it is written by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey.

My commentary It seems that the evil creation popularly known as Usuk (USUK or US + UK) has mutated into even a more hideous monstrosity called Fukus (France + UK + US) after the French were duped into electing (well, not really he was never elected, that was a scam) a treasonous Zionist lowlife that crawled into the Palais de l'Élysée. I understand that the French are good, ethnicity-blind,  all-assimilating, tolerant and unprejudiced (say compared to most tribes which became "states" and "nations" after 1918 never mind 1991) true Europeans and fantastic people (they are) and I understand that were vulnerable in that respect and the Evil Ones took advantage of that weakness.  As one brilliant person wrote (referring to this situation):  Charles de Gaulle must be turning in his grave at 10 000 rpm. I do however believe that Fukus would disappear because the French would make up and cleanse the Élysée palace off this treasonous vermin.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Height and victimhood

Height and the relative value of victimhood

Roobit’s Index (I’ll try to keep it up as curious facts and numbers pop up)

Height of Charles De Gaulle, President of France - 196 cm (6' 5")
Ethnicity French

Height of Nicolas Sarkozy, a US puppet (Nicolaus Africanus) - 162 cm (5' 3")
(the exact height is a state secret)
Ethnicity Jewish and Hungarian

Height of Peter I Romanov (Peter the Great), Emperor of Russia 204 cm (6' 9")
Ethnicity - Great Russian

Height of Vladimir Putin, a US puppet - 168 cm (5' 6")
Ethnicity - I guess a Great Russian though no one knows for sure
(the truth is a state secret)

(Ethnicity is a subjective concept and here it is either cultural background or what the person identifies himself with or how he is publicly perceived by others not some biological or genetic quality; some of de Gaulle’s roots are Irish, he had Irish grandmother (Marie Angelique McCartan) and while the General was aware of his Irish ancestry he of course was French).


Number of victims of Czech “degermanization” program in 1945-1948
About 3 250 000 - (3 million expelled and deported and 250 000 murdered because of their perceived ethnicity or self-identified preference for speaking German language)
Known as a shining triumph of freedom, an act of national self-cleansing, manifestation of historic vengeance, proof of nation’s commitment to liberal values and an ultimate expression of democratic freewill.

Number of Czech victims who lost their lives in the suppression of 1968 Prague Spring by Soviet and Warsaw pact forces (who regarded the event as a creeping ethnofascist coup):
Less than a 100 (less than one hundred)
Known as an unparalleled suppression of freedom, an atrocity on a historic scale, rape of a central European nation, a savage act of Eastern barbarism.