While I am quite confident, the blind can see what's going on, that the West (meaning the Evil Empire of the USA and its puppets like Britain but also fascistoid Federal Republic of what was Germany) is now trying to launch World War III, the 2012 or 2013 might be the year they do that (hundred years mark is about to be passed and the forces of evil do that every century) and the West now wants to get rid off Putin and put some scumball of the "throne" in Russia before attacking the country, quite a few things remain puzzling.
Conspiracies aside, Putin is becoming unpopular not just because he is thief (he is) but also because he seems to be acting like a total jackass. He underwent plastic surgery and now looks like an aging actress. Her time has long been up, the madame should have left the scene years ago but she still insist on playing the role of a young courtesan. Culturally Russia is not South America and men don't get plastic surgeries done on themselves for no apparent reason whatsoever.
Putin compared protesting Russian voters to condoms. Another comparison like that and Russia will have a new president and a new prime minister.
Today on public TV Putin shared the thought that the nation's population needs psychiatric treatment and he can be the nation's psychiatrist. As if that was not bizarre enough he compared himself with Franklin Delanoe Roosevelt. Why would anyone compare himself with despicable and treacherous American dictator is frankly beyond me, why Roosevelt, why not Hitler or Count Dracula. Unlike Hitler and Roosevelt Putin wears watches that cost more than do most family houses. That understandably irritates people too. I have no idea who his advisers are besides that lowly mutt of half-pale-of-settlement Jew mixed Chechen Surkov fellow, creature that is both abominable and despised by the majority of Russian people, but whoever he or she is or they are, Putin needs to get rid off them fast otherwise he might not just lose his Kremlin quarters but risks being thrown in jail as well.
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